Saturday, December 26, 2009

Traffic mistake on Christmas

We were driving toward Roxas Boulevard from NAIA Road, when we suddenly noticed that Roxas Boulevard is already in front of us. After realizing this, I decided to shift to the right lane when all the cars on our right are gone so I can make a right turn. That was when we saw the MMDA or Policeman (forgot what he actually is) waiving us to pull over. He asked for my license and is about to issue me a ticket, and I started to negotiate, he resisted to let us go, and when I told him that we just settle in on the spot, he told us that it can't be done because the apprehending officer has a quota and needs to dispose their tickets. He also mentioned that the apprehending officer is supposed to receive 50% of the fine charge to the traffic violator which is supposed to be paid through the bank. I asked about the amount of the fine, and he mentioned that I have to pay 650 pesos for my violation. My cousin who is beside me gave me 50 pesos to give to the police to urge him to settle it on the spot. I continued to urge him to settle the case right there and then and pass on the money to him and said Merry Christmas, eventually he gave in and let us go.

I wish they could make the Street signs much BIGGER and put it much earlier, so first time motorist who are passing would have enough time to decide how to proceed.

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