Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sharing our Blessing with Baby Ethan

Hoping to find my colleague for my carpool on YM, instead my High School Classmate Philip Chan PMed me on YM, and we exchanged holiday greetings.  He also shared that he is helping his friend to raise money, and so happened this friend is baby Ethan's Father, and they are asking for support to raise for funds to help Ethan get a Liver Transplant.  Ethan is now around 8 months old and was diagnosed to have Biliary Atresia, a serious but rare disease of the liver that affects newborn infants. The liver damage incurred from biliary atresia is caused by injury and loss of the bile ducts that are responsible for draining bile from the liver. The loss of bile ducts causes bile to remain in the liver. When bile builds up, it can damage the liver, causing scarring and loss of liver tissue. Eventually the liver will not be able to function properly and cirrhosis will occur. Once the liver fails, a liver transplant becomes necessary within the first one to two years of the baby's life.

To find out more on how to support Baby Ethan and his parents please visit

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