Saturday, April 20, 2013

What we should do amidst the calamities happening around us...

Now the earth quake of magnitude 6.6-7.0 happened in China, Sichuan province a while ago. Death toll upto 71 and 600 injured... last week there is strong earth quake in Iran-Pakistan border, Papua New Guinea and Japan, and milder intensity in Cotobato, Davao, Ilocos, Batan area in the Philippines... What we can all do? We can start to Love and care for Mother Earth and each other more (including plants, animals, insects and not to forget human beings)... Loving and caring will do a lot of difference... We are all connected... These earth quakes are somehow created by us, the energy each and everyone of us emit (collective consciousness as some call it)... If you don't believe, well... there is no harm to believe me here... just trust me... Please... You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

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