Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ikrans and Toruks of AVATAR

I think Ikrans in the film Avatar represents the Fear that we all have in us.  Fear chooses it's master as the Ikrans do and will try to kill us if we let it do so, but once we learn to face our fears and learn to control it, we can now use it to our advantage as the Navi's control and use Ikrans to soar high and attack their challengers.

Toruks are humongous and fierce which I think represents the big responsibilities and tremendous challenges that a great leader faces, in spite of this when one surrenders and decides to take on the responsibility one will find ways to overcome the challenge as did Jake Sully did when he embraced his great responsibility and finally realized the simplest way of attacking the Toruk is by leaping from his Ikran into the back of the Toruk, where Toruk roughly means "Last Shadow" where its preferred method of attack is from above, therefore the last thing the prey sees is the shadow of its predator.

Being able to control our Ikrans and Toruks will allows us to achieve our Goals and Dreams!